I Finally Found The PERFECT Pair Of Reading Glasses… You’ve Never Seen Anything Like Them!
By Douglas F.
Published on 06/17/2024 at 9:46 PM
I think this is it.
After a frustrating 15-year love-hate relationship with my reading glasses, I think I’ve finally found the one.
Don’t get me wrong… I’m grateful for reading glasses. Without them, I can’t read a thing!
And yet… I definitely have my complaints.
First off, despite how important my reading glasses are, somehow I still find myself without them all the time.
Either I forget them or simply decide not to bring them along (then realize my mistake later).
You can’t blame me though. Most reading glasses I’ve had — and I’ve gone through dozens and dozens of pairs — were too bulky to carry around easily. Every time I left the house, I asked myself: Will I REALLY need these?
The answer was almost always yes, but I’d often leave them at home anyway… they didn’t feel like they were worth the space. Then I’d run into fine print… a menu… an important label… whatever, and find myself frustrated yet again.
Not to mention the fact that my past reading glasses never looked particularly stylish. My theory is that I often subconsciously left them behind because I’d simply rather not be seen wearing them…
On top of that, most reading glasses are SO poorly made… it’s like they’re designed to snap at the slightest touch!
I’ve snapped or lost 10 pairs in the past three years, and apparently, I’m not even the exception — 30 million Americans find themselves buying multiple pairs of readers every single year. For how big and bulky they are, you’d think reading glasses would be a little less flimsy and brittle!
But recently, I’ve stopped complaining.
Because I discovered a new pair of reading glasses that just came out… and they’ve totally blown my mind. They fix ALL the complaints I’ve ever had about my previous readers… they’re nearly impossible to lose, break, or forget at home.
They’re called ThinOptics, and since I’ve owned them, I haven’t found myself stuck without my reading glasses ONCE. They’re easily the best reading glasses I’ve ever owned… if you use readers too, you absolutely have to know about them!
What are ThinOptics?
ThinOptics are officially the world’s thinnest reading glasses. But that's not all... they're also ultra-durable, lightweight, foldable and attach to your keychain or slip into your pocket so you always have them when you need them.
I started using them last month, and I don’t think I’ll ever need another pair of reading glasses again. They’re that perfect!
First off, they fold and fit into a slim case that attaches to your keychain, so you never have to think about bringing your readers along. If you have your keys, you have your reading glasses!
Together, the case and glasses are impressively slim, taking up hardly any extra space, whether you keep them in your bag, pocket, purse, jacket, etc. I hardly notice my glasses are there until I need them!
The concept is genius: You may not think to bring your readers with you everywhere… but you never forget your keys or purse, right?
Of course, convenience is just one side of things. They also have to feel comfortable… and hey, if they are super thin won't they be really easy to break?
These were my big concerns… and ThinOptics impressed me at every step.
The unique design is what makes it all work: ThinOptics don’t rest on your ears — instead, they fit snugly on the bridge of your nose.
At first, I thought it looked super cool, but also a bit unstable or awkward… but it’s actually much more practical. I find that ThinOptics are more comfortable than my previous readers, which ended up hurting my ears over time.
Plus, they stay in place even when I’m active — I love how secure they feel. They haven’t fallen off my nose yet, and I’ve been using them daily during all sorts of activities!
As for the durability… I’m pretty confident I’ll have my ThinOptics for years to come, which is a huge relief. They’re not particularly expensive, but I’d still hate to replace them every 6 months or so like I was before…
According to their website, the flexible design and premium materials (Nitinol and optical grade polycarbonate) allow ThinOptics to withstand a TON of weight, so it’s no problem if you sit on them — you can even keep them in your back pocket without a worry.
I even saw a video of someone driving their car over ThinOptics … and mine are still without a scratch after a month of use!
The only downside I could find is that they currently only offer four strengths: +1.0, +1.5, +2.0, and +2.5. Thankfully, they had my strength, but those who need stronger magnification might not find what they’re looking for yet.
I’m extremely impressed by ThinOptics — I’m confident they’re the last pair of readers I’ll ever need!
ThinOptics have made my life so much more convenient… now I never have to worry about bringing my reading glasses along with me. And I doubt I’ll need to replace them any time soon!
Plus, they’re excellent conversation starters. Unlike my boring old glasses, these look sleek and sophisticated… I love how the unique frame design doesn’t just keep them compact, it also adds to the look!
If ThinOptics are available in your strength, I urge you to give them a try. You won’t regret it!
Update: Get a FREE pair of ThinOptics when you buy 2!
Excited to give ThinOptics a try? Awesome… because now is the perfect time!
Right now, ThinOptics are running a sale: Get a FREE pair of ThinOptics when you buy 2… or 2 FREE ThinOptics when you buy 3!
I’m personally stocking up… they make great gifts, and even though they appear to be indestructible (it’s been 3 months now, still not a scratch), you never know. Don’t pass this up!
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